Hermann Erber

Die Verbundenheit mit dem Moment erlebe ich schon seit meiner Kindheit. Ich liebe es, besondere Erlebnisse mit anderen Menschen zu teilen. Dabei versuche ich, diese Augenblicke so authentisch wie möglich mit der Kamera festzuhalten.         

Auf meinen Reisen in entlegene Gebiete und bei Bergabenteuern mit Freunden und Profiathleten entwickelte ich meinen Zugang zur Fotografie.

Unzählige Kletter- und Bergreisen prägen nicht „nur“ meine Persönlichkeit, sondern auch meine Arbeit.                                                             

Viele meiner Arbeiten fanden einen Platz in Magazinen, manche Bilder wurden ausgezeichnet – z. B. mit dem 1. Platz beim BANFF oder beim Festival in Vancouver. Tourismus-, Werbe- und Bildagenturen sowie Hersteller von Sportartikeln zählen zu meinen langjährigen Partnern.
Die Begeisterung fürs Paragleiten bringt mich zu neuen Abenteuern, wo mich natürlich ebenso die Kamera begleitet.

Hermann Erber

Ever since I was a wee child, I have had this special connection with the present moment, each instant a gift that fades in a blink of an eye. It was with time that I discovered my passion for sharing these precious and remarkable moments captured through the lens of my camera. To me, each photo is placed in context and kept as authentic as possible, so the viewer can fully appreciate the story being told.

I developed my approach to photography and how I convey each moment's meaning, thrill and beauty through my travels with friends and, ever so often, professional athletes. A demanding yet exciting journey to remote areas, well-off-the-beaten tracks, and breathtaking mountain adventures that defined my character and shaped the way I capture the here and now.

I am fortunate to have my photographs featured in many prominent magazines, such as National Geographic, GEO, and many other renowned publications. In addition, some of my photos are considered so exceptional they won awards, such as gold at the BANFF mountain photo essay competition and the Mountain Photo Contest in Vancouver.

My unique journey didn't end there but continues to this day, working with renowned tourism, advertising and photo agencies on challenging projects that further evolve my skill and expertise in photography. Today, I am grateful that my passion for paragliding opens up a new chapter, taking me to new and breathtaking adventures. But, of course, my camera accompanies me every step of the way.

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